Please note that the rule changes for the 2025 Season were agreed at the 2024 AGM. All Members and Day Ticket holders must make themselves aware of NAFA’s Rules and Byelaws before fishing.
Red ink font relates to an amendment of a Rule being introduced for Season 2025 onwards
Membership – The Subscription will run from 1st January to 31st December. Annual Subscriptions are due on 1st of January of each year, irrespective of the date on which the previous licence was issued.
1. Full Members wishing to renew their membership licence may do so by accessing their NAFA online account and purchasing the appropriate category of membership. New Applicants should create a NAFA online account and then purchase the appropriate category of membership.
This online facility should be available from 1 December prior to Membership Year commencing.
Life Members, Full Seniors and Young Full Members living within a 20 mile radius of Newton Abbot will have voting rights at the AGM.
Full Members who move outside of a 20 mile radius of Newton Abbot may retain their voting rights for that year.
Please note no new memberships will be allowed to be created after 31 October of the membership year.
2. Concessionary Full Membership is available to members who are aged 65 or greater at the commencement of the Membership year (1st of January) and to those who are registered disabled. Concessionary Full Membership is also available to members aged over 16 and under 18.
Concessionary Full Members living within a 20 mile radius of Newton Abbot will have voting rights at the AGM.
Concessionary Full Members who move outside of a 20 mile radius of Newton Abbot may retain their voting rights for that year.
3. The purchase or renewal of Membership of the Association in any category (including the purchase of day tickets) shall be deemed as acceptance of the Constitution, Rules and Byelaws of the Association.
General Requirements , Conduct and Behaviour
4. Any member of the Association found to be involved in activities either contrary to the aims of the Association, or liable to bring it into disrepute (one such activity is the use of social media that is detrimental to the Association’s reputation) shall be liable to disciplinary action. Aggressive, intimidating or anti-social behaviours will not be tolerated on any Association Land. Any incidents should be reported to the Secretary and shall be liable to disciplinary action by the Committee.
5. All persons who fish waters controlled by the Association must be in possession of a current NAFA membership or Day Ticket, and the appropriate Environment Agency Rod Licence. Anglers who are unable to produce a NAFA membership / day ticket will be requested to leave the water and shall be subject to further action by the Committee. Not being in possession of an Environment Agency Rod Licence will be deemed as an infringement of NAFA Rules and Byelaws and the person may be subject to further disciplinary action by the Committee.
a. As a members club non-members are not permitted to enter NAFA property unless accompanied by a member.
b. A maximum of one non-member is permitted to accompany a NAFA member who shall be held responsible for all their actions. An exception to this restriction is that Junior Members can be accompanied by adult family members (eg Parents or Grandparents) or up to a maximum of 2 non – fishing adults who are not family members.
c. All non-members are to abide by the NAFA Rules and Byelaws.
6. Any member or non-member who breaches the Rules and Byelaws of the Association must leave the premises if requested to do so by a NAFA Officer or Bailiff (the Bailiff’s decision is final). Further action may be taken against the member as deemed appropriate by the Committee.
7. That all members of the Association must be in possession of an unhooking mat at all times when on our waters, regardless of the type of fishing being undertaken.
8. All persons entering onto NAFA controlled premises do so entirely at their own risk and are subject to all Rules and Byelaws. The Association does not accept any responsibility for personal injury of any person on NAFA controlled premises or the loss, theft or damage to any member’s or non member’s property whilst on premises controlled by the Association.
9. Members (and any non member guests) consumption of alcohol whilst on NAFA controlled premises must not exceed 2 cans (or bottles) of beer in any one fishing session (whether such session lasts for a few hours or up to the maximum period of 4 days). Any person found to be under the influence of excess alcohol will be immediately requested to leave the premises and will be subject to an early disciplinary hearing.
Members (and any non member guests) are not allowed to consume non medicinal drugs whilst on NAFA controlled premises. Any person found to be under the influence of such drugs will be immediately requested to leave the premises and will be subject to an early disciplinary hearing.
10. No pets (including dogs) are allowed on the Rackerhayes complex and Wapperwell Pond other than with the written permission of the Association Secretary. At other waters pets (including dogs) are to be kept under close control at all times, with the use of a leash if necessary / appropriate, so as not to annoy other anglers or endanger wildlife.
11. All efforts should be made to keep noise to a minimum. Audio equipment may be used, but the volume is to be controlled so as not to offend other anglers. A reasonable guideline is that it should not be heard in the next peg.
12. No caravans, camping tents, fires or barbecues are permitted without the authority of the Committee. Angling shelters are to be specifically designed for angling, and are to be of a colour to blend in with the surroundings.
13. No boats, drones or rafts are permitted on the waters or air space of the Association unless used in conjunction with an authorised working party.
14. Anyone believed to have left litter or discarded line in their swim shall be immediately suspended from the Association, and subject to an early disciplinary hearing.
15. Swimming and wading are banned on all waters owned or leased by the Association for all reasons other than to save the life of a person who is in the water. With the exception of official NAFA work parties. Any member found in breach of this rule will be subject to an early disciplinary hearing.
16. No cycles, scooters, electric scooters or motorcycles are to be ridden on the Association’s property at any time. An exception will be made for mobility scooters to gain access to a peg.
17. No firearms, air weapons or crossbows are to be brought onto NAFA property. The Committee may, at its discretion, authorise approved persons to carry firearms for the control of predators. Any member contravening this rule will be subject to an immediate life ban.
18. At the discretion of the Committee the scaring of predatory birds that feed on fish may take place on NAFA waters periodically. Members will be given warning via the association’s website and local tackle shops. The waters in question may be closed for a short period to enable this to take place.
Rules Relating to Fishing
19. Only Barbless hooks can be used on NAFA Waters.
20. Fishing at the following waters shall be restricted to Full Members of the Association:
Dores Pond, Rackerhayes
Bradley Pond, Bovey Tracey
Wapperwell, Ugbrooke
21. Members may use two rods in any one swim from April 1st. to September 30th. From October 1st. to March 31st. three rods may be used. The onus is on the member to ensure that they have the relevant E.A. Rod Licences. Fishing can only be undertaken from swims/pegs officially designated as such by the Association.
22.. Subject to the provisions of Rule 23 (see below) all fish in waters owned or leased by the Association are the property of the Association, and must be returned alive to the water from which they were caught. Any member found moving fish between Association waters without the approval of the Committee will be subject to an early disciplinary hearing.
23. Small Roach, Rudd and Perch may be caught and used as live bait on the Association’s waters only. These fish are not to be removed from the Association’s waters or moved between ponds.
24. Lure fishing will be allowed all season. Members are requested to ensure that they do not disturb other anglers. To avoid “bite offs” from Pike a wire trace must be used, irrespective of species sought, in all ponds except Bradley, Wheel and Wapperwell Ponds. This includes fly fishing.
25. Subject to the exceptions regarding artificial lures, and live or dead bait fishing for pike; only one single barbless hook, or one single hook with a squashed down barb per rod is permitted on all waters of the Association.
26. Artificial lures fitted with treble hooks are permitted provided that the hooks are barbless or the barbs have been fully squashed down. Hooks with fully squashed down barbs should not snag in material such as fleece. This is a quick and easy method of ensuring that your hooks comply with these rules.
27. Tether rigs must not be used on any waters at any time. A non-tether rig is designed so that if the line breaks, the terminal tackle (lead) must be free to slide off the line in order not to trap or snag the fish. If braid is being used as a main line one of the following must be fitted between the braid and the hook link:
– Monofilament shock leader
– Lead core leader
– Rig tubing sleeve of not less than 24” in length
28. Pike anglers fishing live or dead baits must use a main line of at least 15lb. breaking strain and a wire trace of a minimum length of 375mm (15 inches) and a breaking strain of at least 20lb. They may use:
– One or two single hooks OR
– One treble hook OR
– A combination of one single and one treble hook
– They must carry appropriate unhooking devices such as forceps. The use of a gaff is strictly prohibited and an adequate landing net must be used at all times.
– Pike fishing is all year round starting season 2022.
29. Anglers fishing Association waters for specimen carp and pike fish should be in possession of an unhooking mat specifically designed for the purpose. It should be at least 36” x 24”. Additionally, anglers should have a suitable sling to safely transport fish back to the water. They should also be in possession of an approved fish antiseptic for the treatment of hook marks or abrasions.
30. Restrictions on Wheel and Wapperwell Ponds (see penultimate sentence regarding other NAFA waters).
Max mainline 8lb
Max 2lb test curve rods
Max size 12 hook
No braid hook lengths
All fish in excess of 4 ounces of weight are to be landed using a landing net. This landing net rule rule is to also be applied to all NAFA waters.
This is due to damage caused to fish stocks, these waters are used to bring on fish for other Association waters.
31. All carp (with the exclusion of Crucian Carp and F1s) are to be returned to the water immediately after capture, fish may however be retained in retention slings for a maximum duration of one hour. All retention slings used for the retention of fish are to be at least 120cm x 90cm (48” x36”) and specifically designed for the purpose. The Committee and Bailiffs may, at their discretion, introduce a ban on the use of carp retention slings at certain times of the year. Please note Carp Sacks are not to be used on NAFA waters.
All fish must be returned to the water from which they were caught – see Rules 21 and 22.
32. All keep-nets are to have a circumference of not less than 120cm (48”), with supporting frames not more than 40cm (16”) apart. The minimum length will be 2m (78”). Carp Fishery Approved keep-nets are preferred. Carp are not to be retained in keep-nets with the exception of those caught during club competitions.
33. Unless it is necessary in order to rescue trapped persons or wildlife, no member shall cut trees, weed swims or alter the bank in any way without the permission of the Bailiff of the water.
34. No nut baits (including Tiger Nuts) may be used on any waters at any time.
35. Unused / excess bait and groundbait must not be thrown into the water when leaving the swim. Prebaiting of swims is allowed however this must not take place in any swim that is next to a swim that is already occupied by another angler.
36. Any angler caught and proved to have left baited rods unattended in the water will be immediately referred to the Committee for consideration of appropriate disciplinary action. Anglers cannot fish more than 1 swim at a time and are required to be in the same swim as their rods.
37. No swim may be reserved. Anglers are not permitted to be absent from their swim for longer than two hours. During that 2 hours members are not allowed to fish in another swim.
38. Members can only fish to another swim in an extended area in the absence of other anglers but must withdraw to halfway if another angler moves into the extended area. Any angler failing to observe this rule should be reported to the Committee.
39. Members may fish for a MAXIMUM period of 4 days (96 Hours), in the same swim, they must the vacate the swim and not return for 48 hours. Any member exceeding this limit should be reported to the Association Secretary with any corroborating evidence. Any member exceeding these limits will be subject to disciplinary action by the Committee.
40. The Washing Line Technique of fishing and the use of the Magic Twig method are banned on all NAFA waters.
Rules Relating to Young and Junior Members
41. No unaccompanied angler under the age of 18 years may stay on property controlled by the Association from one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise. Junior Members under the age of 16 and over the age of 12 years can night fish on Association waters but must be under supervision of a Full Member over the age of 21 and fish in the same peg. There are no exceptions to this rule. Members 16 and over but less than 18 years of age with Full Membership may night fish under the supervision of a Full Member over the age of 21 in the next peg. Members 16 and over but less than 18 years of age with Full Membership may apply to night fish unsupervised by contacting : Completed applications should be returned to the Hon.Secretary. Applicants must not night fish unsupervised without Committee approval.
42. Wapperwell Pond – it is a requirement of the Ugbrooke Estate that Junior Full Members must be accompanied by a Full member over the age of 21 who will fish in the next swim. This rule does not apply to Junior Matches organised by the Association where there will be adequate supervision.
43. Any angler under the age of 12 years is not required to purchase a NAFA membership provided that they are under the full supervision of, and are fishing in the same swim as, an angler who is either a Senior Full member who is over the age of 21 or has a valid day ticket. An angler under the age of 12 years who needs to fish accompanied by a family member rather than a NAFA Member must purchase either a Junior Membership or a Junior Day Ticket and must be accompanied by an Adult (eg Mother or Father) over the age of 21.
44. No Junior Members are permitted on the walkways or floating platforms in Dores Pond unless accompanied by an adult over the age of 21 years.
Rules Relating to Matches and Competitions
45. Members competing in Association matches and competitions shall fish to the rules of the Angling Trust.
A copy of these rules will be either on display or available at every event. Entry into any match or competition shall be deemed as acceptance of these rules.
46. With regard to Association matches (not open matches), a valid Membership licence to fish the Association’s waters will be shown when applying to enter the competition or purchasing a ticket to do so. Any angler failing to produce a current Membership licence will be excluded from the event.
47. In pegged out matches or competitions the relevant pond(s) will be closed one hour prior to the draw. Any angler not fishing the event must leave the water at that time.
48. No competitor may fish / practice on the venue within 24 hours of an event’s start time.
49. All anglers must retain fish in a minimum of two keep nets. One for silver fish and one for carp. A weight restriction per net of 50lb will be utilised. Further nets should be utilised to accommodate the weight restriction. Any sanction for breaking this rule will be at the discretion of the Match Organiser or Match Secretary.
50. If unforeseen circumstances arise, such as flooding, a venue may be closed or partially closed, a notice will at the earliest opportunity be passed to Members via local tackle shops, our Facebook page, the website and notices displayed on the Association notice boards at the waters affected.
51. Matches will be on designated waters, and the match fixture list will be printed in the Association’s Handbook.
52. Vacant swims on waters being used in a match or competition will NOT be available to Members who are not fishing the event.
53. In the Festival Match Dores, Island, First and Linhay ponds will be closed from 15.30 until 21.30 on the Friday of the match, and between 04.00 and 12.30 on the Sunday of the match.
54. No tickets will be sold on the day of a match. The draw for all matches will close one hour before the start of the match, except in the case of evening matches where the draw will close 30 minutes before the start of the match.
55. The Match Secretary or Assistant will have the final say in all disputes relating to matches. The Committee will uphold the decision of the Match Secretary or Assistant.
Powers of the Committee, Bailiffs and Full Members
56. In the case of any dispute, the decision of the Committee shall be final.
57. The Committee reserves the right to refuse the renewal of any NAFA membership.
58. The Committee reserves the right to add or omit waters available for fishing at any time, without recourse or compensation to any member.
59. The Junior Officer and the Bailiff of Wheel Pond have the power to close or reserve swims at Wheel Pond at their discretion for the purpose of holding educational / teach-in events. A minimum of 48 hours’ notice will be given to members.
60. Under the terms of the Data Protection Act, NAFA reserves the right to hold and maintain personal information relevant to the Members of the Association, who, from time to time, may receive correspondence from the Association relating to the business of the Association. THE ASSOCIATION WILL NOT PASS MEMBER DETAILS TO THIRD PARTIES.
61. Bailiffs of the Association are appointed by the Committee. Members must show their Membership licence if requested to do so. Additionally, Bailiffs have the authority to:
Check keep nets, carp sacks and bags.
Request members to withdraw their line from the water to enable them to inspect terminal tackle.
Impose measures or restrictions that they believe are reasonable, and that may not be covered by the rules of the Association, subject to a subsequent review and decision by the Committee.
62. Bailiffs and Officers of the Association have the authority to withdraw the Membership licence or day ticket from any Member if they are in obvious breach of the Association’s Rules or Byelaws. The Member will then be deemed to be suspended from the Association. The Bailiff or Officer will forward the Membership licence/day ticket to the Secretary with a written report that outlines the reasons for their actions within 24 hours. The Bailiff / Officer and the Member will then be summoned to attend the next Committee meeting when a formal decision will be made.
63. Any Full Member has the right to check the Membership Licence or Day Ticket of any other angler. Any Full Member also has the right to point out obvious breaches of the Association Rules to any other angler.